Abstract Submission

Please note that each attendee may only submit and/or present ONE abstract.

Most abstracts will be considered for a poster session, a handful may be selected for an oral talk along with the invited speakers if space allows in the program.

Regular submission due December 31st. 2021

Only abstracts that focus on tropical cyclone risk, including aspects of hazard, exposure, vulnerability, impacts and/or resilience will be considered for acceptance. Risk is the likelihood of consequence from a hazard. For the purposes of this symposium, the hazards being considered are tropical cyclones (TCs). Other elements of TC risk to be discussed include:

Click HERE to submit your abstract.

-If you submitted an abstract previously and would like to update it, you may resubmit another abstract. If you do this please contact Yijie yijiezhu@usf.edu to let him know you have updated. If you do not have a record of what you previously submitted, you may contact Yijie to request a copy.

-Please check the preliminary program in late January to confirm if you have been given a poster or oral presentation slot.

-Each abstract is limited to 250 words.

-Abstracts must describe the presentation's purpose, methods, and conclusions.

-Do not use bulleted lists, underlining, boldface type, italics, subscripts, or superscripts.

-Do not include any codes for justification, hyphenation, line height, line centering, margins, spacing, fonts, page centering, page numbering, suppression, or tabs, in your abstract.

-Do not include your name, affiliation, phone number, or e-mail address in the body of the abstract.

-Your abstract will not be edited; you are responsible for any spelling, grammatical, and typographical errors.

-Abstracts must describe the presentation's purpose, methods, and conclusions.

-Use the active voice for your abstract and presentation.

-Transmit your research results clearly and concisely, avoiding jargon.

-All abbreviations should be spelled out in the abstract text.